NACDEP, the National Coalition for Dually Eligible People, is a not-for-profit, educational organization dedicated to improving access and health care for dually eligible people with Medicare and Medicaid – “the elderly and disabled poor”.

NACDEP was established in 2002.

“Turning healthcare disparity into healthcare equality while saving healthcare dollars”
NACDEP, the National Coalition for Dually Eligible People, https://nacdep.org

Dually Eligible People with Medicare and Medicaid — At the Center of the Next Debate:

Because of their medical frailty, their social and racial demographics, their great expense, and their expanding growth rate, dually eligible people — “the elderly and disabled poor” — will occupy a central position in the upcoming debates over national healthcare financing and disparities in health care in the 21st century.

Sheldon M Hersh, MD
Louisiana Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting
New Orleans, Louisiana, 2003

Excerpts from the Paper

Payment for a home visit collapsed to 19% of the Medicare payment …
“When Louisiana Medicaid payment for a home visit collapsed to 19% of the Medicare payment, I stopped making house calls to new dually eligible patients.”

The fastest growing and most expensive Medicare group …
“Dually eligible people are the fastest growing and most expensive Medicare group, consuming one-third of all Medicare and Medicaid finances.”

Socially unjust and morally wrong …
“Penalizing elderly and disabled poor people for being poor is socially unjust and morally wrong.”